Thursday, December 2, 2010

Callie is 3 months!!!!

   My little lady turned 3 months today!  Hard to believe that she is really ours.  This post is dedicated to my little beauty and her amazing personality.  At 3 months she is sleeping through the night (really since about 6 weeks).  Around 9 we get her all swaddled up and within 10 minutes usually she is out until around 7am!  What a blessing that is.  But the best part is getting her up in the mornings.  We go into her room after she's awake and when she sees us she lights up with the most beautiful big smile EVER! Its the highlight of our morning.  So much so that Eli can't wait for her to wake up so he can go talk to her.

I've actually never seen a baby her age be so smiley.  She smiles, coos, giggles and laughs often. And Callie loves it when you sing to her.  Her eyes light up really bright and she gets this huge smile and it just melts your heart!!

And Callie stretches a bunch too! 

 What a joy she is to us!  I cannot wait to see what all her personality will be like as she continues to grow.

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