Friday, April 27, 2012

Callie Lake 19 Months

Getting a good picture of Callie right now is pretty difficult.  She either doesn't want to take one or throws her head way back and says cheese so she doesn't look like herself.  I'm kind of waiting for the day when she confronts me on not having very many pictures of her from these last few months.

Callie Facts:
OBSESSED with the iphone and loves to change the background screen, settings, and call people. She will try and dig it out from my pockets so she can play with it.
Loves dresses and Nightgowns.  When I give her options of dresses she says the worlds cutest "ooooh!" and its so precious!
Callie has become VERY maternal over the last month. She loves to help Jack with things and has something as a baby with her all the time.
She has become a really picky eater
Loves her brothers and loves sitting next to Eli or on his lap
OBSESSED with Veggie Tales
Hilarious dancer. Its a mix of head banging and robotic jerking. So cute
Does not like when people are crying, she will fake cry and want to be comforted too
She has a pretty good vocabulary and communicates quite effectively.
Me: "Want some?" Callie "thumb"
Still on the move pretty much all the time
Puts her hands on my face to turn it and make me look at her when she's wanting attention
This month she discovered how to jump on the couch from the coffee table and that has made for hours of fun!

Pajama Party

Eli had been asking me for the past 2 weeks if we could have a pajama party...which he defines as everyone putting on their pjs, getting in mom and dads bed and watching tv. I don't know where he got this idea but he had really been wanting to do it, so on family night this week after everyones bath we did.  Callie got a new nightgown and learned the word princess, or "pinces" as she says it.  The kids jumped on the bed and we watched a little veggie tales before bed time.

Isn't she just the most beautiful!

These two are truly best friends. Who doesn't like taking silly face pictures!

A day in my life

I took this picture because I want to remember these days of a messy living room, cartoon on the tv and the kids each doing their thing.  I absolutely LOVE my life and job as a stay at home mommy. Callie always on the move, Eli taking in the movie and Jack just being a baby. Pretty much every day our floor is littered with toys, cheezit crumbs, and sippy cups.  I have given up on having a tidy house...its not worth the stress.  I would much rather enjoy these little ones while their still little and want to be with me all the time.

I have always wanted to be a mom. For as long as I can remember I would humor the idea of different jobs that could be fun but ultimately just wanted to be a stay at home mom.  I still dream of being the kind of mom that has awesome snacks ready for when my kids get home from school! In all my dreaming I think I overlooked the amount of stress that can be involved.  The reality of my life is that it takes Eli 20 minutes to get ready for anything because he always has a story he's trying to tell and hasn't learned that you can actually tell a story while you are getting dressed for the day.  I didn't think about how I would have a daughter that LOVES chapstick and anytime she finds some she smears it all over her cheeks and chin and seems to miss her lips entirely.  Some how I missed the memo that I would have a baby who hated being in the car and typically crying for the duration of any drive we take. Or Callie saying No to everything you ask her unless it has the word cookie in the question. Or Callie playing on my phone and calling random people from my contacts on a regular basis. Or Eli at almost 5 years old still calling me dad first "Dad, I mean Mom..." Or the one where I prepared myself for Eli to ask me about 10 times a day, "mom, what should be do today?"  Don't get me wrong, most days I am overjoyed by all the little quirks and moments I have with my kids. I love to listen to Eli tell stories and I think Callie is the cutest person there ever will be. Jack is my precious one who only wants to be held by me and even though it is overwhelming at times, I secretly love it.

Having 3 is such a crazy adventure. I am completely outnumbered all of the time and not nearly enough hands to fulfill all the requests that come at me in a given hour. I often tell people that the soundtrack to my life is the sound of someone crying.  Jack wants to be held or is crying that he's not (if he's awake), Callie crying or whining because she wants to be held or wants to watch Veggie Tales. Eli asking a million questions and telling long winded stories about his favorite movies, and getting frustrated with me if I'm not given all my attention to listening.  Sometimes I want to escape to a land where no one depends on me and I can go where the wind blows...or just sit for an entire day and not have to get up and serve anyone or listen to anyone talking. In those moments of mild stress/insanity I am training my mind to savor the moment.  Before I know it all these kids will be off taking mountains for Jesus and I will have all the time I want.  I won't have Eli's little feet kicking me under the table at dinner because his legs are swinging.  Callie won't be on my right hip (never the left) digging her fingernails under my fingernails or pinching the skin under my arm. Jack will be running around and no longer craving my touch.  When I have the moments where I need to walk outside and try not to scream just to keep from saying something harsh to one of them 
I remind myself of four things.
1.  your gonna miss this...yes even the stressful moments
2.  They are just kids and kids are needy sometimes
3. Laughing at the situation makes the stress go away
4.  The most important thing they need right now is me 
to be present and be loving despite their attitudes or demands.

We live in such a Me-centered world where we feel so entitled to be able to live our lives the way we want to, schedule our days around what seems most convenient to us, drag our kids around town so we can feel better that we didn't just stay at home. Insist that dad provides "time off" so we can go do whatever we want.  Don't get me wrong, personal time is vital in this season of caring for little ones.  I just find in myself that I have to let go of me. On a regular basis my opinion is trumped by people who can't even spell their own names and my schedule is disrupted by people who aren't even toilet trained.  And I have a choice. Let go of "me" and "my" and just be present, or allow my own desires to breed discontentment and frustration that inevitably gets misdirected at the precious little ones I'm choosing to stay home with.  Jack is teaching me whole new levels of letting go of me. I rarely wear makeup or fix my hair but I really don't care.  I get one shot at loving these 3 munchins with all that I have and setting them up to take on the world and not be taken by it.  Any sacrifice that fuels that cause is worth it.  I wake up each day ready to take on the task of running my home in such a way that everyone in it grows in their passion for Jesus and love for one another.  

In my journey of motherhood my children have taught and are still teaching me treasured life lessons. I am learning that laying my life down, my goals, my dreams, my wish-lists to be more in their world is a true delight and easy sacrifice. They are teaching me new depths of what it means to love.  Those that really know me know that my kids are my true delight and greatest joy in life. I could tell their stories all day long and my heart overflows with amazingness towards them. Because of them I am learning how to tap into God's presence on a given moment and receive His peace so I can give out of my spirit and not my flesh.  I actually wouldn't trade the stressful or difficult moments. 
 If it was always easy I wouldn't need as much Jesus.

Jack 2 months!

Here's Jack at 2 months and 1 day old!

Jack Facts:
Smiles when you smile at him
LOVES to snuggle & be held
Squeals LOUDLY when starting to get burped
Loves to lick my shoulder when I'm holding him
Won't sleep very long without being swaddled
Burrows his head in my elbow or arm pit to get comfy
We call him Jackie Boy most of the time
Callie calls him "Gack" and LOVES to run to him when he's crying
 with the paci or a bottle or blanket.
Eli loves to sing and talk to him and LOVES when Jack 
smiles at him. "Mom! He's smiling at me!!"
I truly think he is spiderman! He makes crazy amounts 
of fuzz balls in his fingers and toes 

He's SO big for not even 3 months! This is at 2 months 3 weeks

We are so in love with this little man! Can't imagine life without him, even though its much crazier with the addition, and we're filled with wonder to see who he will become!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Weekend

I absolutely LOVE Easter. This year we had a lot of fun things over the weekend planned. 
Friday night we went to our good friends house and did a glow in the dark egg hunt. It was AWESOME! Glow in the dark bracelets stuffed inside the eggs and go hunt them in the dark. It was such a fun twist! Here is Eli and Ezra in hunting action.  I didn't really get good pictures but oh well.

Then Saturday we had the Lidell Family Egg hunt. This is another of our favorite Easter traditions.  This year it was raining so there were not as many people as usual, which meant more eggs for Eli. He got SO many!

Eli's best friend Joshua and their loot!

Then we had Sunday and after church we gave the kids thier Easter baskets.
My Easter cuties!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Easter Eggs!

Tonight we dyed easter eggs which was quite an adventure with a 19 month old! 
When I asked Eli if he wanted to dye eggs this morning he said, "like, kill them? why?"
Then I realized its kind of hard to explain what dye is! We did a few this morning and it was too crazy with just me and all 3 kids so we paused until Daddy got home.

Sweet Callie desperately wanted to be a part of the action and couldn't figure out how. Her method of dying lacked a lot of finesse and was quite messy!

An odd picture of all of us but we're all in so who cares!

So excited to put them all in a basket for the table!