Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Jack Jonathan Edward Wortman!

Jack Jonathan Edward Wortman
Born February 9th, 2012
8lbs even
21 in long

Jack: Gracious
Jonathan: Precious Gift of God
Edward: Gaurdian of happiness

7 days over due, headed to the hospital to be induced.

We waited as long as they would let me for Jack to come out on his own, but 7 days later we were induced.  We headed in to the hospital and got it started.

The labor was pretty fast and easy.  We had to make several adjustments to the epidural strength and that actually made the time go by pretty fast.  The doc who gave the epidural was  unblievably fast. He was in and out of the room in 3 minutes, and had the epi in within 1.5 minutes.  I felt a little like I had been assaulted! But it was fine.  He had the meds flood in so quickly that my blood pressure fell way low and I thought I was going to pass out.  It wasnt bad but more like an adventure! In a weird way. Anyway, the meds were way to strong so we pulled them back, then I was at a 9 and feeling most of the contractions again. That was a little nerve-racking because I really wanted it to be fully working before Jack came out.  Another doc came back in, who went to Baylor and lived in Waco a long time, and he gave me a shot of something that kicked in right as I was complete and ready for him to come.  4 pushes later our little muffin head was born!

I couldn't stop crying!  I was emotionally numb when Eli was born, laughed when Callie came, and cried with Jack. What a range of emotions childbirth can bring!

I personally love this picture. After he was born Grant and I just kept marveling at how much he looked like Eli!

Happy Daddy!

In this pic he looks like Callie!

Grandpa, his name sake.

Mimi & Pops

Our first attempt at a pic as a family of 5. We still need a LOT of practice with this.

This is a great depiction of what was to come. Callie was not happy about not being the baby any more! 

Taking our little world changer home!

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